There has been an uproar on social media, specifically twitter about the nature of today's OAP (or radio personality) . My people have been accused of forcing false accents down the ears of the listener, of being voices without content and poor contributors to Nigeria's music progress. Mmmh, na wa. Recently I made a guest appearance in an edition of the very informative, colourful pan-African digital magazine, E.C.H.O. and some of the questions asked veered into OAP/Artiste/Music relationship territory. I made it clear though that artistes had to have the right attitude before expecting to hear their songs on the airwaves. However, a portion of OAPs are more interested in hearing their own voices and airing their very limited opinions on very delicate subject matter than paying attention to the quality of music they put out. They have assumed the roles of celebrities themselves, reducing their banter to base gossip or informed ignorance. I am not going to preten...