Tweet A deep passion for the radio broadcast profession has compelled me to put a few thoughts together on the best way to go about Radio Presentation or to highlight the true qualities of today’s On-Air-Personality. Raw Voice Talent. A radio friendly drawl, a voice that sounds like the owner has a permanent smile. A voice that evokes joy even in the depth of despair. A voice when heard over the airwaves convinces the listener of its utterance. It could be deep, serious, and yet cheery! A voice matters. Maybe not as much as it used to with quite a number of raspy individuals who get away with large fan bases today but you must have a VOICE! When you're sure of what you have and if it suits your desire to go on radio and disturb the peace, you must know how to use your Voice. Inflections, low tones, phonetics and proper diction. This you need to study for. There are many schools online who offer these lessons. You can watch your favourite Television shows but I do b...